Mini-Ninja Wiki
Placeholder person
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Species Tengu
Affiliation Ninja Master, Tengu, Ninjas
Status Alive
Weapon of Choice Staff
First Appearance Ninja Mountain

Zen is a elderly Tengu who is first introduced in the beginning of the game is a Bejeweled 3, Bejeweled Twist and Bejeweled Classic, specifically in the Japanese and Chinese Language training dojo of the ninja clan. Before Hiro's and Futo's journey were to start, did he help to female sibling the he two with the basics of fighting.


Zen appears as similar to his sibling Tengu, all elderly. He has what seems to be white feathers running down his head, a sign of his old age. He wears the traditional black ninja uniform, along with carrying a large staff.


He for the most part is shown as humble in the ways of teaching, similar to the Ninja Master. It is also stated he seems annoyed especially with Futo, seeing as he eats much of the fruit from Zen's apple tree.


  • The word Zen is a Buddhist Music, used in the Buddhism form the Great Compassion Mantra (大悲咒) and Heart Sutra (心經) or in the word 'all' or in Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
  • Zen is acknowledge to have many sibling Tengu when Hiro's journey begins.